Category Archives: Neighborhood

Emmie’s Irish Dance Performance timed perfectly with Grandma’s visit

I was thrilled when Emmie’s Irish Dance teacher, Kelly, announced the day of the next performance, Emmie’s first, was March 18 because it was the same day Mom…Grandma would arrive from Arizona.  AndI knew she’d enjoy seeing Emmie dance- her embrace of Irish culture.

I met mom at the airport early in the morning and brought her back to our house; Grace and Emmie were off from school since it was the Monday after St. Patrick’s Day, so they were home, still sleeping.   Anticipation- we had been looking forward to Mom’s visit for months, and now she had arrived- joy!  With a few hours to get settled and catch-up, we were then off to the nursing home where Emmie’s class and another, made up of various ages and dancing experience would perform.  After a short visit with our friends the McKennas,we rode with them to the nursing home; we really are so fortunate to have made such good friends.

Quite evident from the talk among parents before the event and the observed awareness of children, parents, employees and residents the girls dance at this nursing a few times a year. A few residents even slept on the couches and chairs right next to the area where the girls were waiting, socializing and receiving instructions from Kelly. One side of me wanted to hush the girls, so as not to disturb the older women sleeping, but realized by everyone else’s behavior that this was ok- the norm. Nothing appeared to disturb them; and if they did awake, perhaps, they would be delighted to see the liveliness of these girls. (Another side of me wanted to almost …chuckle at the sort of absurdity or strangeness of the obvious differences in age and quality of life.) There is, however, something quite lovely about young people giving back to elders and this sharing of dance was certainly a treat and a gift.

The Walls of Limerick

The Walls of Limerick

Some of Emmie's classmates dancing.

Some of Emmie’s classmates dancing.

These two young woman are beautiful dancers!

These two young woman are beautiful dancers!  (This gentleman might have been taking a quick nap.)

After the performance, all five of us enjoyed a nice dinner at one of our local favorites, Anderson’s Food Hall. (I only say the name, so we can remember.)

Over next few days my mom and I toured around parts of Dublin while the girls and Scott went about the usual, school and work-as we were also anticipating the Easter Holiday break and our trip to Italy.  Unfortunately, the weather was a bit chilly and rainy at times… not the best for touring around, but we made the most of it.  Mom also got to see where Grace takes flute and meet Emmie’s piano teacher, some of our every day routines.

Mom and I in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral

Mom and I in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Some December Highlights

New Student-Parent Reception 

Maryfield logo

On December 5, Maryfield College held a reception with music for parents of new students.   Grace played the flute with the school orchestra that plays for special events, and she also sang with her music class and choir group.

Christmas cd cover    In fact the choir recorded a CD of holiday songs for the first time.

   We attended a few art shows and Christmas festivals.

Emmie, Scott and I spent a few hours at the Merrion Square pop-up Christmas market in the beautiful Architectural Archive building. Along with the Irish made art, jewelry and finery were a few food vendors.

Sampled divine chocolates and kombucha tea.

Accomplished a bit of our holiday shopping which yes, included some of those chocolates.

We enjoyed poking around this market sipping mulled wine.

We enjoyed poking around this market sipping mulled wine.

And later while Emmie created Christmas decorations at the Botanic Gardens with her friends, Roisin and Sophie, Scott stopped in to the Graphic Studio Dublin for the Sketch Book sale. Artists who donated pages of their sketchbooks to raise money for charity. Two sketches caught Scott’s eye; as Scott reached for the sketches’ identifying number, a gallery employee told Scott they were by Mary Lohan a well regarded Irish painter.  Hmm, where will they reside back home- at first. ( I say, at first, because of the interesting conversation we had with the owner of another gallery here Dublin regarding the idea of moving art around to different spots in your home…)

On another weekend we found ourselves at the National Crafts & Deign Fair. Wow…it is said to be Ireland’s biggest Fair for the crafts & design industry, and it is obvious why.  More browsing, oohing and awwing at artists’ creativity and ability, finding special items for Christmas, a new hat for myself, oh, yes and more delicious food. Grace and I attended one day,  and then Scott, Emmie and I returned the following day.

Grace did not have school, so she and I had a fun day out at the National Crafts & Design Fair.

Grace did not have school, so she and I had a fun day out at the National Crafts & Design Fair.

 I loved this woman's knitting.

I loved this artist’s  knitting.

Monday, December 10 Dance Performance at the Helix 

Grace & Emmie danced at the Helix, the large auditorium at DCU. Grace was in a few parts of Cinderella as was Emmie, and Grace also danced in the Diablo Rojo (the Spanish dance). She’s been taking dance with her two good friends, Laura and  Ashling and enjoying it.

Sharon, Lisa, Beckey and Katie drove up from Arklow which was incredibly kind and supportive.  It was a wonderful performance including a variety of dancers ranging in age and ability. The adult company, though, was superb- the large dance numbers, we’re talking 50+ dancers on the stage at the same time, were well choreographed and precise. The Bollywood and One from a Chorus Line numbers were particularly fantastic. Sara and Emma, directors of the Irish Ballet School, choreographed the show to include every class and multiple dances; this is the reason for the incredible length. 3 hours. So proud of our dancers!

Friends & sisters; Emma, Emmmie, Laura & Grace

friends & sisters; Emma, Emmie, Laura & Grace

Corpus Christi students told the story of the Nativity and sang Christmas carols at the Corpus Christi church. Emmie’s class as well as the 5th and 6th class sang several songs including Joy to the World, Christmas isn’t Christmas, So this is Christmas, Jingle Bells, An Chead Nollaig (The First Christmas). What a lovely annual event!

Emmie with her teacher, Ms. Bourke, after the Christmas Carol Service.

Emmie with her teacher, Ms. Bourke, after the Christmas Carol Service.

Grace and her class told the story of the Grinch for the winter talent show.  She played a citizen of Whoville. All the stores seemed to be out of Christmas jumpers- due to last minute nature of the request. Hmm… Thanks Robert McCormack for the loan of yours. A touch of garland in the hair was the finishing touch; their prefects are quite organized and creative. Each class created and shared a short skit or song: the Nativity, Snow White, Disney Remix….

Grace as a citizen of Whoville in the Maryfield's annual talent show.

Home after a fun day—Grace as a citizen of Whoville in Maryfield’s annual talent show.

The Hobbit and L. Mulligan Grocer

“Where there’s life there’s hope.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

“Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. Gandalf” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

We read The Hobbit as a family a few summers ago; thus, we were truly looking forward to our first trip to the movie theater to see the film. Entertaining! Grace is a big fan of the handsome dwarves Thorin and Keli, Emmie loved it all- the wise Galadriel and Gandalf, the funny dwarf Bombur and especially the scene with the mountain trolls trying to eat the dwarves; though, she is disappointed she has to wait quite while for the next installment to be released!

Dinner at L. Mulligan Grocer, an gastropub.  Amazing black pudding, fun take on fish n chips- Jenga chips, brownie…. oh, the most amazing brownie EVER. And of course, delicious beer and cider!

Enjoying our drinks and anticipating a great meal.

Enjoying our drinks and anticipating a great meal.

the dwarves

The wise ones

The wise ones

Midterm Break: Halloween


We knew some history about Halloween and heard more about the Gaelic connection at the folklore and storytelling night at the Brazen Head.

Trick or Treat! We might only think of the costumes, pumpkins, and candy; Halloween however, has evolved over the years through various cultures’ influences yet rooted in  its origin from the ancient Celtic Festival known as Samahain (pronounced Sah-win). This festival was a celebration of the end of the harvest season. I include a little more information about the history below.

Samhain was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased would come back to life and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops. The festival would frequently involve bonfires. It is believed that the fires attracted insects to the area which attracted bats to the area. These are additional attributes of the history of Halloween.Masks and costumes were worn in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or appease them.  (

  • Following several design sketches and attempts, Emmie and Grandpa carved our pumpkin to make a spooky jack-o-lantern . Yes, we were worried about Griff’s carving technique. He came through unscathed, though. Love Pat’s  creative addition of the tongue.

Taking a moment to pose for the camera, Griff and Emmie are busy at work.
(I am not sure about my attempt fix the strange eyes on some of these photos, though.)

  • After much deliberation and searching a few shops, Grace chose a comfy bunny onesie for her costume. I wish I had a photograph of Grace with her  whole group of friends (from the neighborhood 8-10 girls.)  They had fun trick-or treating and some of them came back to our house to hang out, and of course sample some candy!

Grace and Laura are suited up and ready to go & meet the rest of their group.

  • Emmie had another opportunity to wear her dice costume. Actually she only used one, making it a little easier to walk. She trick or treated with her friends, Emma, Roisin, and Celine; I tagged along as well with Roisin’s and Emma’s mom. We even got a treat; one of the houses offered warm spiced wine.   (It reminded me of warm sangria- delightful and appreciated on such a cold night.

Sisters! Halloween 2012.

Emmie is a little taller than her friends in the neighborhood. Though she is a year older.

  • Scott, Pat and Griff held down the fort, gave out candy and made a delicious dinner.

Neighborhood Thoughts

We are getting to know Dublin, exploring different parts of the city and as expected  our neighborhood(s)/village(s). Each time we explore I seem to learn more about various parts of the city or see where and how they’re connected. Just this weekend after visiting Christ Church and the Temple Bar area I realized our location was close to the restaurant, The Bakehouse, where Scott and I had lunch a few days earlier.

Scott and I have had several discussions (and with the girls as well) about returning to places we know and discovering new ones- the enjoyment and challenge with exploration while venturing to new places versus returning to locations which are significant for endless reasons.  You can’t find those places that draw you back unless you are willing to explore.  We tend to be drawn to the  the surroundings, the nature and environment, the culture, and ultimately the people. It’s lovely to get to know some of the neighbors- though at the moment it’s mostly the kids getting to know each other, and some of the shop owners and employees. I certainly enjoy telling locals we will be living here for the year.

Decklan’s Family Butcher is one such example of a shop to which we return. The two butchers, Decklan and …(name to be added later) are friendly and very accommodating.  When we were preparing to make some Leadville Lasagna, one of our go-to recipes, I inquired about whether they might have ground or minced as it is called here, turkey, since I did not see any in the display-case. I also asked  where I might find fennel seed.  The butcher helping me was mining other meat at the time, but told me to return later in the day after he had time to clean & sanitize the meat grinder and and both butchers offered several suggestions for the fennel seed.  On another occasion I only had my laser card and a small amount of Euro to pay my bill.  Casually yet sincerely he just told me to pay him the next time I’m in. I marked it down in my phone so, I’d remember the exact  amount and he kept assuring me not to worry.  What a delightful feeling. Each time we’re there they always mention if we don’t see what we need or want to just ask and they’ll order it.

Donnelly’s Bakery:  Just typing the name visions of delicious brown bread and other scrumptious treats including their ethereal scones come to mind. Though we do miss Gemelli’s bread- that crust.

Donnelly’s: I don’t know too much about the staff yet. 🙂 It is usually busy, so not too much time for extra conversation. Even when I’ve planned to arrive at the end of my run and close to opening, there were several people waiting.   Though, I don’t know names yet, everyone seems quite friendly.  I know one young woman recognizes Emmie and me, and others were amused when I took some photos of the scones and display-case for posting. Scott and I let the girls  pick a treat when they come along. Not difficult to imagine that Emmie has been here more than Grace. Yes, we like to eat well, cook, and eat good food.

More soon about the hardware store, and of course the public library.